Duralac Colors Insoluting Courts


RESINOL is an acrylic mortar improver, which greatly enhances the properties of cementitious mortars. Due to its composition enhances the adhesion and elasticity, while it strengthens and seals the mortar surfaces. It also improves the water retention and workability and reduces shrinkage during setting of the cement. It is an ideal additive for coatings and plaster walls, cement floors, smoothing mortars and and also repairs and reinforces tile adhesives. Also it can be used as a primer in paints and waterproofing roofs and mainly for waterproofing the foundations of the buildings. RESINOL is available in drums of 4LT and 10LT
Specific gravity: 1.00±0.04Kg/lt
Color: Milky white
Application temperature: +5°C to +35°C
As a primer use: dilute 1:1 with water
For reinforcement in cement-based products added at a rate of 15-40%.